Work underway for ancient woodland restoration project at Whippendell Wood

Work underway for ancient woodland restoration project at Whippendell Wood

Watford Borough Council, which maintains Whippendell Wood, will be working alongside Natural England, Forestry Commission and Woodland Trust to gradually remove invasive non-native trees over the next five years to bring it back to its true and natural historic state. Native trees will be planted or allowed to grow back naturally over that time.

The non-native conifers previously planted add little benefit to the plants and wildlife in the local area and over the years have stopped native plants from growing and wildlife from flourishing.

The aim of the restoration project is to improve the structural and species diversity of the woodland to support more wildlife, improve access, create better links with the park and wider landscape, and to fulfil our statutory duties in protecting this SSSI and keeping it at ‘favourable condition’ status. 

Over the next 5 years, the following work will take place:

  • Removing invasive non-native species such as cherry laurel, snowberry and rhododendron which spread and outcompete our native plant species and reduce the diversity of ground flora
  • Creating a more diverse mosaic of tree/shrub species, age and structure through sensitive thinning of densely shaded woodland areas
  • Increase open spaces by opening up rides and glades, and creating links between the bigger open spaces (strawberry fields) for ecological connectivity
  • Reducing the amount of non-native conifers that were planted as plantations to favour a natural broadleaf mix of trees and shrubs
  • Identifying and mapping veteran and biologically significant trees and removing the competition that threatens their survival and health
  • Reintroducing traditional management of coppicing to provide link with historic management
  • Retaining dead and decaying wood such as fallen logs or snags to support habitats for fungi and invertebrates
  • Conserving historic landscape features such as wood banks, dells, avenues and roundels
  • Improving access and signage including new entrance signs and maps, and a public rights of way (PROW) project with the Rambles Association and Hertfordshire County Council and a bridal way project with the National Horse Association.

Whippendell Wood is designated a SSSI by Natural England, which means it is protected by law to conserve its wildlife and geology. For more information and the latest updates about the project, visit

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