Watford's Woodside Community Church Helps the Unemployed

Members of Woodside Community Church in Watford is set to run free clubs to help people in the area get back into work.

The church wanted to help equip their local community to find employment in tough economic times so underwent specialised training from UK charity Christians Against Poverty.  As a result, they are now offering free weekly workshops to boost the jobhunting process for unemployed people by providing them with the tools, skills and confidence to find work.

Job Club Manager, Marian Finch, who will be leading the workshops, said "with more people facing long-term unemployment, there is a real need for a personal serivce which provides practical and emotional support for people to find work again. CAP Job Clubs are designed to do just this."

She added, "we hope that we can help local people gain confidence and skills they need to find employment, education or training for work, particularly for those who may have been out of work for a long period of time or believed unemployable."

Woodside Community Church is one of more than 100 churches of different Christian traditions across the UK who will be running a CAP Job Club, as they work together to postively impact the communities around them.  The CAP Job Club will be a weekly course that conbimes one-to-one consutlations, group support and practical  sessions that cover topics such as identifying strengths, CV writing and interview techniques.

The club will run weekly from Tuesday 3rd February startning at 10.00am until 2.00pm, at Woodside Community Church, The Brow, Watford WD25 7ES.  (A light lunch will be provided)

To find out more, visit CAP Job Clubs or to book a place, ring 0800 3280006.

(Source: Christians Against Poverty)

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