Watford's in bloom thanks to Watford BID

Watford town centre is packed full of flowers for the first time ever, thanks to Watford BID businesses.

The high quality, eye catching floral sculptures have been installed the length of the High Street, from the Civic area at the top of the town all the way down to the Lower High street. The flowers have been delivered by Watford BID (Business Improvement District) and have been funded by Watford town centre businesses. 

Jonathan Field, Chair of Watford BID said: “I’ve always been in awe of other towns who’ve had vibrant flower displays around their high street, so it’s good to see this was the BID’s first major project, and for the result to be so stunning.”

The red, white and blue floral sculptures, themed to tie in with the Queen’s birthday and the Olympics, will be in place until October. They comprise a total of 54 floral cubes, 19 three-tiered planters, 27 baskets over railing and 16 hanging baskets, in place on the lampposts in Queens Road.  The project is just part of the work Watford BID is doing to enhance the look and feel of the town centre.

Maria Manion, Chief Executive of Watford BID said: “We believe the work we’re doing to further improve the overall perception, ambience and appearance of the town centre, when combined with the on-going investment being made by intu, the council and other stakeholders, will encourage growth and boost the town’s economic prosperity in the medium to long term.”

(Source: Watford BID)

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