Tours and Tasters Open Day at Peace Hospice Care

To commemorate their 25th anniversary, Peace Hospice Care invites you to join them for their free Tours and Tasters Open Day on Saturday 10th September.

The Tours and Tasters Open Day is part of Heritage Open Days - England’s biggest festival of history and culture - and visitors are invited to tour the historic building to learn about the Peace Memorial Hospital and early days of the Hospice. They will then be transported to the present day with taster activities and information stalls offered by the Hospice’s Starlight Centre Services. Activities include exercise tasters, complementary therapies, sharing stories taster session and relaxation visualisation sessions. 


The Hospice, which cares for people living with a life-limiting illness and their families from across Hertfordshire, has become a familiar and much-loved part of the local scene. In 1991 the South West Herts Hospice appeal was launched, to set up a hospice for the local community and in 1992 the Health Authority agreed to a Hospice on the Peace Memorial site. By 1993 the Hospice appeal had raised enough money to start a temporary Day Care centre in a portacabin alongside the building; in 1996 the services were transferred into the building, which was opened by HRH Princess Michael of Kent.


Today, Peace Hospice Care’s Starlight Centre offers a range of services from wellbeing and rehabilitation services to counselling and bereavement. The centre aims to improve patients’ quality of life, self-confidence and self-esteem. The underlying principle of the service is to empower people to be in control of their life-limiting illness and where possible achieve what is important to them.


The Tours and Tasters Open Day will take place at Peace Hospice Care, Peace Drive, Watford, WD17 3PH on Saturday 10th September from 10.00am until 2.00pm. If you would like more information about this free event please contact or call 01923 330330.


(Source: Peace Hospice Care) 

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