Thumbs up for your postie

Thumbs up for your postie

The Royal Mail have asked their customers to show appreciation for the postmen and postwomen who continue to deliver post despite the COVID-19 crisis

The Royal Mail have asked their customers to show appreciation for the postmen and postwomen who continue to deliver post despite the COVID-19 crisis.

Suggesting that people give posties a thumbs up from a safe two metre distance as they go about their rounds, a spokesman from Royal Mail said:

"The initiative is a simple way for the public to say thanks and stay connected with their local postmen and women, while respecting the Government’s social distancing rules.

“Giving a thumbs up is also a handy reminder not to reach out to try and take parcels direct from postmen and women to ensure contact-free delivery.

"Royal Mail’s postmen and postwomen are at the heart of the communities in which they work.”

As well as providing your postie with a friendly thumbs up, customers are being asked to share selfies with their thumbs up, using the hashtag #ThumbsUpForYourPostie.

The postal giant is also encouraging children to put ‘thumbs up’ pictures in their windows. Templates are available to download from

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