The summer holidays are here, and Watford Borough Council has got lots of activities organised to keep your children busy!
There are fishing days, where experienced coaches from Watford Piscators Fishing Club will be on hand to share top tips for reeling in the biggest catch. Try Angling takes place near the Grand Union Canal’s Iron Bridge lock from 1.00pm to 4.00pm on Tuesday 9th August and 23th August. Over 5's are welcome to join the fun, and entry costs just £2 per person.
There is also something for young and old alike at the FREE Meet the Builders event by the playground and coffee kiosk from 1.00pm to 4.00pm on Tuesday 16th August. Kids will be able to have their photos taken with one of the diggers helping to restore the ancient park. Plus, there will be construction crafts with the Creation Station, and games and competitions with prizes from Borras – the building company working on the £6.6m project. And you can find out all about how the Heritage Lottery and Big Lottery funded scheme is developing.
A huge eco-friendly hub building will be constructed by the paddling pools as a major part of the work. The Cha Café is receiving a make-over (re-opening at 9.00am on Saturday 20th August), Watford’s historic bandstand is being returned to the park from the town centre and the tree-lined Lime Avenue is being restored.
Elected Mayor of Watford Dorothy Thornhill said: “These events will be a great way to keep the children busy during the summer holidays, while giving them the chance to learn something new. Cassiobury Park is an important part of Watford’s history, and our work will help cement its place in our future as a destination people visit from far and wide.”
For more information on events in the park, contact Cassiobury Park Community Ranger Debbie Brady on 01923 278972 or email deborah.brady@watford.gov.uk.
There are also lots of summer holidays fun events going on at Watford Borough Council’s Big Screen on the Beach on The Parade by the pond, including films for all ages and the Sandcastle Club.
(Source: Watford Borough Council)