Small businesses in Watford benefit from Government grant

Watford high street

Over a thousand small businesses in Watford have received government grants so that they can survive during the coronavirus pandemic

Over a thousand small businesses in Watford have received government grants so that they can survive during the coronavirus pandemic.

Watford Borough Council has confirmed that over £15.2million has been granted under three schemes that were introduced.

With 1,100 small businesses in Watford, funding has been provided for an impressive 805 of them – each business receiving £10,000.

In an attempt to save the high street and even the bigger name brands, the Council has also granted £10,000 to 99 small retail, hotel and leisure businesses, as well as £25,000 to 248 larger businesses.

Concerned and hoping to help business in Watford, the town’s Mayor Peter Taylor said:

“With the Council, the local Chamber of Commerce and the Watford Business Improvement District, we have a strong support network in place for our business community.

“I am acutely aware of how difficult it is for local businesses at the moment.”

According to Google’s Community Mobile Reports, Hertfordshire has seen an 85 per cent drop in people visiting shops since the lockdown was put in place.

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