Road closure information regarding the funeral of Graham Taylor OBE

In order to manage the significant number of attendees expected on Wednesday 1st February, there will be a number of temporary road closures near St Mary's Church in Watford.

The funeral service for Graham Taylor OBE will be held at St Mary’s Church, Church Street, Watford commencing at 1pm on Wednesday 1st February 2017 and it is expected that a significant number of people will wish to gather in the vicinity of the church to pay their respects.

As such Watford Borough Council, in consultation with Watford Football Club, Hertfordshire County Council and the Police, has arranged for a number of roads in the vicinity of the church to be closed temporarily in order for the event to take place in a safe and satisfactory manner.

George Street/ Church Street/ New Street

- Closed from approximately 7am until approximately 4pm to secure a vehicle free area in the vicinity of the church where the majority of attendees are expected to gather.

· This closure will be implemented by way of a staffed barrier in George Street close to the King Street junction. To minimise disruption access to premises located on these roads will be maintained until approximately 12:30 pm, shortly before the commencement of the service.

· The closure will be removed as soon as possible after the service. This is expected to be at approximately 4pm but is dependent on the speed at which the expected crowd disperses.

High Street (King Street to Market Street)

- Closed from 1pm to 3pm.

· Buses will be diverted during this period and the disabled parking bays in this section of the High Street will be closed for the duration of the event in order to avoid potential conflicts between vehicles and spectators.

· Public footpaths crossing the churchyard will also be closed.

· The footpath link from the High Street (next to Brighthouse) to Church Street opposite the Alms Houses will remain open.

There will be a dedicated disabled access area close to one of the outside viewing screens within the Town Square, adjacent to 1 Bell Public House.

Accessible parking is available in the nearby Church Street Car Park and the designated accessible area will be well signposted on the day. A Council member of staff will also be available to assist.

A large number of people are expected to attend so anyone requiring assistance may wish to arrive a little early.

(Source: Herts County Council)

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