New Watford Community Garden will help deprived areas

A new community garden has opened with hopes of helping children and families from deprived areas of Watford engage in fun, affordable activities.

The garden, part of the Lift Off! Project, opened on Saturday 14th May with funding from the National Lottery.

Reverend Duncan Campbell, Vicar at Christ Church and St Mark’s Watford, who helped unveil the garden said: "About 100 people attended the opening of the community garden and around 30 of those people were children.

"The community garden will significantly benefit the community and aid the works we plan to do with local children and families."

Betel, a drugs and alcohol rehabilitation charity, provided two days labour to clear the site on Leggatts Way; and volunteers have worked tirelessly setting up raised beds for planting and preparing the garden.

The community garden will become a place where children and their parents will be able to try new activities they can’t do at home, such as growing their own vegetables and flowers.

Mayor Dorothy Thornhill, was also at the opening ceremony. She said: "It was a wonderful afternoon and there was a big turnout from local people.

"The community garden helps those who may not have a front or back garden and are interested in growing plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables in a safe and friendly environment while taking part in an enjoyable outdoor activity."                                                                                              

The garden is jointly run by the parishes of St Andrew and Christ Church and St Mark’s, and has clubs running after-school and during the weekend.. The Lift Off! Project began in 2012 when the Churches were offered funding for a Children and Families outreach worker.

For more information contact Reverend Duncan Campbell, Vicar at Christ Church and St Mark’s Watford at or Tel: 01923 674 142.

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