Watford Borough Council has given planning permission for a new primary school, catering for entry level to year six, on Clarendon Road in Watford.
The contemporary three-storey, L-shaped building will cater for students from reception to year six, incorporating a specialised kitchen classroom, reception, staffroom and offices in addition to classroom facilities for all levels. There will be a secure play area at roof level as well as play facilities within the landscaped grounds. It will accommodate up to 420 primary school students when it reaches capacity and is a welcome addition to Watford’s educational offer.
Nick Fenwick, Watford Borough Council Deputy MD and Director of Place Shaping and Performance, said: “This is another new school for Watford, the last one being opened in September 2014.
“As Watford continues to grow we are committed to ensuring the delivery of excellent community infrastructure to support the borough and its residents. This proposal will deliver a much needed new school and provide a high quality teaching environment.
“We worked with the applicants, the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), prior to submission to help develop proposals that balance Watford’s economic, social and environmental requirements. We are confident that the school will provide the highest quality facility possible within the budget assigned.
“There are some requirements that will have to be met before building can start but we are happy to see progress towards a new school for Watford.”
The school is being funded and commissioned on behalf of St John’s Primary School by the ESFA, an executive agency of the Government sponsored by the Department for Education. It is responsible for funding education and training for children, young people and adults. This agency replaced the Education Funding Agency and the Skills Funding Agency in April 2017.
(Source: Watford Borough Council)