Interview with the Elected Mayor of Watford - Peter Taylor

The Elected Mayor of Watford - Peter Taylor

Joining Bushey’s very own Joe Wicks, Lee Partridge, on the Vibe107.6 Drive Time Show, the Elected Mayor of Watford Peter Taylor provided an update on all going on in the town

Joining Bushey’s very own Joe Wicks, Lee Partridge, on the Vibe107.6 Drive Time Show, the Elected Mayor of Watford Peter Taylor provided an update on all going on in the town.

Discussing the financial implications that COVID-19 will have on the local Council, the Mayor explained that whilst this is a challenging time, he and his colleagues will continue to do their best.

“Finances are quite tough. After the first two months of this, we think that we will be about one million pounds worse off as a Council,” he said.

“The government has given us 60 thousand pounds. We are going to do our best. Obviously, it’s a tough time and it’s important that the Council does everything that it can to help.”

As lockdown continues, so does the economic struggle for several local businesses. With a new scheme now in place to help those that contribute to the local economy, Taylor said:

“We are working flat out to get money to businesses. The Government has announced a number of different grants and last week we paid one thousand businesses.

“If you think that you are entitled to one of the schemes then visit our website:  We are working around the clock to get the money to you as quickly as possible.

“Everyone who pays business rates is entitled to it. Some people might need it to be passed on by the parent company.”

As the most part of the high-street closes its doors, local charities are under pressure to keep their’s open. The Mayor explained:

“Some of our local charities are really struggling. Most are still providing support, but they need donations. The Council and myself in my Mayor’s Grant Fund are supporting them as much as we can.”

Praising Watford General Hospital, its staff and all at the NHS, Mr Taylor also advised residents to be sensible whilst at home and when out.

“The best thing we can do is follow their advice. It’s no good to clap on Thursday and then have a barbecue on Saturday. We need to follow NHS rules. Stay home as much as possible,” he said.

“NHS staff are working flat out at the moment. There is a lot going on to support the hospital. There is lots going on to make sure that they don’t face the same problems again [referring to the oxygen issues earlier in the month].

“There is a lot being done by local businesses to support the hospital. We’ve had big donations from lots of local groups. If you run a business and want to supply bottles of water, then let me know and I will get them to the front line.”

Urging the community to look after themselves, both physically and mentally, the Mayor added:

“People need to take care. We’ve kept the parks open but closed our car parks. It is important for people’s health and wellbeing that they are still able to do exercise once a day.

“The parks themselves are staying open. The government advice is an hour a day, but we do need to think about the NHS who are under a lot of pressure. We all need to play our part and get through this as quickly as we can.”

Highlighting the positives that community togetherness brings, Mr Taylor is optimistic that we can pull through and do so as one.

“It’s been fantastic,” he said.

“Everyone is joining in and I know it makes a big difference to the NHS, staff and volunteers. We’ve had a thousand people signed up to volunteer to help. We’re seeing the best of the town.

“It’s been a really difficult few weeks and obviously it’s going to continue for a while longer yet. The town have rallied together very impressively.

“We are all following the NHS rules, but we still want to stay connected, positive and active.

“In many ways, people are making new connections. There have been some positives in what has obviously been quite a challenging time at the moment.

“One of the good things is that everyone working from the Council can work from home. We can continue to supply services like housing, funeral and burial services.”

Reminding people that bin collection routines are changing, the Mayor emphasised that:

“Next week will we stop collecting garden waste. The crews have been amazing. They have kept going. We have responded pretty well.

“From Monday 20th, we will just be collecting the recycling and general waste bin, we won’t be collecting the garden and food waste bins.”

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