Hospice helps patient walk independently after 17 years

This Hospice Care Week (9th - 15th October), Monica Davis shares her story, thanks to help and support from Peace Hospice Care.

Monica Davis, age 74 years of age and from Watford, has been able to set aside her walking stick after being reliant on it for 17 years. Since 2015, Monica has attended Peace Hospice Care’s Starlight Outpatient groups. She was diagnosed with cancer twice. As a result of the cancer she had three collapsed vertebrae and severe back pain. Following her second diagnosis, she was referred to Peace Hospice Care by her GP for rehabilitation and pain management. Since then, Monica has attended a number of outpatient groups at Peace Hospice Care for patients with life-limiting illnesses, including the new Nordic Walking group, run in conjunction with Watford Borough Council, and the Next Step exercise class.

Monica said: “In May 2017, I joined the Hospice’s Nordic Walking Group. At first I was apprehensive as I felt nervous using the poles instead of my walking stick. After a few sessions it had really reduced my back pain, as a result of my improved posture. My confidence and independence has also increased. I now no longer rely on my walking stick – I feel liberated.”

Monica Davis Nordic Walking in Cassiobury Park

Joanna Marovitch, Starlight Manager, said: “Earlier this year, as a part of Peace Hospice Care’s re-launch of its outpatient service we introduced Nordic Walking and other groups. Attendances for the groups have increased by 13% compared to the previous year.  That means that we are helping more people than ever before with wellbeing and rehabilitation support through our workshops, one-to-one interventions and groups.”

To access Peace Hospice Care’s services, patients can be referred by a healthcare professional to the West Herts Specialist Palliative Care Referral Centre.  They can also self refer. To contact the Centre please email: westherts.pcrc@nhs.net

For more information about Nordic Walking and the Hospice’s other outpatient services please visit: www.peacehospicecare.org.uk, call: 01923 330 332 or email starlightcentre@peacehopsicecare.org.uk.

Every year Peace Hospice Care needs £5million to run its free services.

(Source: Peace Hospice Care)


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