Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue joins fight against Storm Frank

Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue have sent help to the north as part of a national effort to prevent more flooding.

The service has sent a specially trained fire crew to Cumbria to help tackle the floods and affected homes.

A specialist Command and Control Unit from Hertford has also been sent to help coordinate resources sent to the most affected areas.

Richard Thake, Hertfordshire County Council Member for Community Safety, said: "The flooding currently affecting northern England and southern Scotland is destroying homes and livelihoods and we want to help in any way we can.

"Our Chief Fire Officer, Roy Wilsher helps manage the coordination of national resources as part of a specialist team of senior chief fire officers who provide advice to central government as well as support local fire commanders.

"Hertfordshire’s response to the flooding forms part of a national framework which enables fire service resources from across the country to provide vital support to areas affected by large scale and complex events."


Heavy rain has battered Northern Ireland and Scotland and weather forecasts have predicted Storm Frank to hit Britain severely.

The Environmental Agency has issued 3 severe flood warnings, 46 warnings and 86 alerts for England and Wales.

The most affected areas have been Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Cumbria, with areas across north-west to the south-west of England expected to be flooded in the next few days.

Hertfordshire County Council’s Richard Thake added: "During an incident of this size we work with colleagues from other emergency services, voluntary groups, local government, the military and the Environment Agency to help rescue people stranded in water, shore up under pressure flood defences and divert water away from people’s homes and businesses.

"The mobilisation of Hertfordshire resources is part of a well-rehearsed plan and in no way diminishes emergency cover within the county."

Written by Isaac Ouro

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