Residents are being given another chance to have their say on the future of Watford town centre.
Watford Borough Council is seeking feedback on a range of draft proposals including greener landscaping and improved public spaces.
The new online consultation follows a public engagement last year – where hundreds of residents as well as key groups shared their views on how they would like to see the area evolve.
A draft design framework for the town centre has now been created on which people can comment. The proposed ideas include more focus on pedestrians, better accessibility, more independent retailers and sustainable modes of transport.
The local council are encouraging residents to visit the online engagement platform and give their opinion on the proposals. The consultation will run for six weeks and end on 14 November.
(Credit: Watford Borough Council)
Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter Taylor, said: “Watford was one of the top 10 places in the country for retail bouncing back from the pandemic and the town is already a very successful place, with regional, national and international reach.
“We continue to see steady investment, despite the health and economic challenges of recent times. However, high streets and town centres must continue to change and adapt for a new future.
“Earlier this year, it was great to have open and honest conversations about this with residents and stakeholders, including about how Watford town centre will change over the next 20 years. We would again like to know your thoughts on our initial proposals following your suggestions.
“We need to think beyond single sectors, such as retail and office, and towards making the town centre a hub for a range of activities and uses, for residents and visitors alike. Together we are laying the foundations for a vibrant town centre in the future.”
(Credit: Watford Borough Council)
Councillor Aga Dychton, Deputy Mayor and Portfolio Holder for Community, added: “The proposals follow the aftermath of the pandemic and the major switch to online shopping, high streets and town centres across the UK.
“This has meant that the town needs to change and adapt for a new future. Whilst Watford town centre is a lively, well used and resilient place, the council wants to make sure that it continues to grow and thrive.”
A number of public meetings and events will take place over the coming weeks involving various groups and organisations in the town.
This includes two drop–in sessions on Friday 21 October and Friday 4 November from 11am to 2pm in the Urban Room.