Our very own Claire Haestier spoke to Vinnie McKee, the 29 year old holiday park entertainer from Glasgow who delivered an absolutely amazing performance of The Proclaimers ‘ I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles), earning him Simon Cowell’s first Golden Buzzer of Britain’s Got Talent 2025 series.
Catching up with Vinnie, after his spectacular performance, Claire asked him what the most surreal thing he has experienced since and Vinnie explains how his audition video trended number 5 in the world, overtaking superstars such as Lady Gaga and Beyonce. Vinnie was astounded at the sight and called it ‘the highlight of his life.’
Another special moment from Vinnie’s experience on Britain’s Got Talent was the Golden Buzzer moment and the iconic golden confetti that rains down. Vinnie tells us the funny story of how he got to keep one singular confetti from his audition. He tells us how Simon Cowell told him to pick up and keep some of the confetti in his pocket as a memory, but when he went to see his family afterwards, he threw it all up in the air in excitement whilst giving his mum a hug. His mum reminded him to pick it up but Vinnie needed some air first, however the moment he comes back in, someone had swept it all up! Luckily as he put his hand back in his pocket, there was just one piece left that now resides in his dad’s wallet.
Vinnie also spoke about the change in his life since the show’s success. When asked about the holiday park and Vinnie’s bingo sessions, Vinnie spoke excitedly about how busy the place was and people asking to get a picture with him. He jokes ‘I’m not used to that, are you sure you want a picture with me?’ expressing his shock at his newly found fans.
Vinnie expressed his gratitude for the opportunity, sharing how great of an experience the show has and will be, no matter what. He says ‘ I’m so happy and feel so lucky to be in the position that I am in, to be able to sing for everybody and do what I love.’ He explains that the reason why he applied to Britain’s Got Talent rather than other shows such as X-Factor or The Voice was due to the great inclusivity of the show and how his different unique voice could stand out on the show. He goes onto say that he has always wanted to go on the show and used to watch it all the time as it ‘ is a great show and has something for everybody.’
Speaking on Simon Cowell beckoning him to look to the audience and take in all the cheering and applauding, Vinnie tells us how crazy it was to go from singing in front of a couple tables in the holiday park to the massive audience of BGT. Looking back at the audition process, Vinnie tells us how he applied, moved onto the different stages of the auditions and then got invited to Blackpool to sing in front of masses of people he saw queuing to watch these auditions. With the live shows, approaching in May, Vinnie hinted at a potential song list but said one in particular gives him chills when he sings it.
Listen to the full interview down below! Everyone at Vibe is excited for what’s next for Vinnie, and we wish him the best of luck in the competition. Show your support and love for him on social media @vinniemckeeuk!