Eurovision Watford-Style


A Eurovision-styled competition open to anyone from Watford or the surrounding areas, The Pump House theatre company is at the heart of ‘Isovision’

A Eurovision-styled competition open to anyone from Watford or the surrounding areas, The Pump House theatre company is at the heart of ‘Isovision’.

To be shown online via YouTube on Saturday 9th May at 7pm, it is hoped that the just-for-fun contest will showcase the strong and active culture that Watford has to offer.

In order to enter, one must submit a 30-60 second video clip of a song, spoof, sketch or talent that will be voted on by a set of local judges.

The Pump House said: “In addition to looking for entries, we are wanting representatives from local groups and organisations to be our jury (in the same way each country submits their jury votes in Eurovision).”

The deadline for entries is 4th May

How to enter:

1. Choose somewhere to represent. You can choose one of the Eurovision countries or even a local area / group / organisation to represent;

2. Produce a clip;

3. Record a clip of the people involved in your submission waving and saying something

like "Hello we are...". Please keep this to 5 seconds or less;

4. Upload your video clips (any common format is fine) and information to

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