Nominations open for Watford’s annual civic awards. Every day across Watford, there are people making positive contributions to the lives of others.
Nominations open for Watford’s annual civic awards. Every day across Watford, there are people making positive contributions to the lives of others.
These actions often go unrewarded. You can change this by nominating one of these outstanding individuals, groups or businesses for an Audentior Award.
The Audentior annual civic awards, now in their eleventh year, are the Mayor’s special way of rewarding local people who go above and beyond the call of duty. The awards ceremony is a glittering celebration that takes place at Watford Colosseum.
Elected Mayor of Watford, Dorothy Thornhill, said: “These civic awards are set up to recognise hard work and dedication. We are lucky in Watford to be overflowing with people who regularly do wonderful things for the community – be it as a carer, a volunteer, business person or neighbour. Help us to say thank you by nominating someone now.”
Roger Gagan, who won the Special Achievement Award last year, said “It was a great pleasure to have worked with local businesses in Watford over the years and I was honoured and delighted to have received this prestigious award.”
How to nominate:
It’s a simple form to complete, and you have until Friday 8 August. To find out more visit: watford.gov.uk/audentior
The award categories are:
• The Chairman’s Award for Volunteer of the Year - sponsored by McNicholas.
• Charitable Group Award – sponsored by Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden.
• Charitable Business Award – sponsored by Freedom Communications.
• The Lewington Price Disability Access Award – sponsored by intu Watford.
There is also the prestigious Mayor’s Award (sponsored by Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden) and Special Achievement Awards.
Full details are on our website at: watford.gov.uk/audentior - where you can also find out about previous winners.
Date: 11th June 2014
Source: Watford Borough Council