Residents in Watford have just a few days left to apply for up to £20,000 in funding for community projects which will help shape the development of the town.
Watford’s Neighbourhood Grant is set to fund projects put forward by local groups to address the impact of new development within the area.
The new scheme will ensure people benefit from sustainable growth across the borough.
The funding created from new housing developments otherwise known as Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), will be awarded to local initiatives by Watford Borough Council.
Grants range from a couple of hundred pounds up to £20,000 and can be used on various projects including:
- Environmental improvements – such as landscaping and enhancing open spaces
- New or improved play spaces and facilities
- Public art and Street furniture
- Community safety measures (for example CCTV or lighting)
- Traffic calming measures
- Equipment for a community group
- Provision of more facilities for the community
- Projects that are beneficial to a local ward area or broader community
- The improvement of local facilities such as community centres or sports halls
This is the first year that members of the community can apply for funding from Watford’s Neighbourhood Grant, with the scheme set to run on a yearly basis.
Grant decisions will be influenced through a poll on people’s suggestions and ideas for where money should be spent – with residents able to have their say via Watford Borough Council’s new engagement platform.
The ‘Ideas Wall’ will allow those who are unable to apply for a grant to make suggestions on how they would like to see their neighbourhood improved.
The council will review these ideas alongside formal applications for the grant and wherever possible share them with the relevant staff or department to help inform their work.
The grant can be used to fund public artwork like the Watford FC Mural (Credit: Sol Tomlinson)
Discussing the new scheme on Wednesday’s Vibe Drive, Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter Taylor, said: “We are really keen to get local residents and groups involved and bidding for money. There will [then] be a public vote on these ideas.
“We are making [Watford's Neighbourhood Grant] open and we really encourage people to log on and to give us their views.
“They can either put forward an idea or they can just look at what other people are doing, make suggestions [and] put forward a bid.
“We’ve had lots of people already giving us their ideas and are keen for as many people as possible to get involved.”
Applications for the Watford's Neighbourhood Grant can be made until 5 August.
For more information and to apply visit watfordneighbourhoodgrant.commonplace.is or email NCIL@watford.gov.uk