Busting Breast Cancer with Bra Banks

An eye-catching pink bra bank is the latest addition at Énergie Fitness for Women in Watford. The health club has set up a recycling scheme for unwanted bras, in support of the charity Against Breast Cancer.

Funds received from the scheme are put towards a pioneering study led by the charity, which analyses how the cancer cells and patients' natural resistance interact in their environment. Each tonne of donations generates £1,000 for Against Breast Cancer, currently conducting the Diet & Lifestyle Study in 56 hospitals across the UK. As well as creating more jobs, the eco-friendly scheme also sends textiles to Africa in order to generate local commerce.

Wendy Taylor Hill, Director of Against Breast Cancer said, “We have received very positive feedback from retailers adopting the scheme and great warmth from the public for an idea that helps the environment as well as charity.” The scheme prevents unwanted bras being dumped and wasted in landfills – another reason to get involved!

Anyone wishing to make a donation is urged to visit Énergie Fitness, based at 12 Station Road, Watford, WD17 1EG (01923 750336). So far the bra bank has been a triumph, according to personal trainer at Énergie, Sammy Clifft. “Using a bra bank in a women’s gym has been very successful,” she said. Local businesses are also being asked to contribute during their lunch breaks. 

Written by Sophie Wolf.



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