'Ask Me How I Feel' event seeks local residents

Picture: Watford Palace Theatre

Members of Watford’s local Black community are being asked to take part in a free online event next month, and share their own experiences of 2020. Ask Me How I Feel aims to provide ‘a digital platform for local Black voices,’ and will also mark Black History Month.

The live online project is being presented by the Watford Black History Month Steering Group and Watford Palace Theatre. Organisers are keen to hear from people of all ages about their reflections of this year. Admissions should be submitted in a format which can be taken on camera or video. The only stipulation is that entries must refer to ‘your 2020 experience’. The deadline for submitting applications closes on Friday 18th September 2020.

Ellen Waghorn, Senior Producer, at Watford Palace Theatre, reveals how the project has been well received:

“We’ve had a really positive response to the event and are pleased to be supporting our Black History Month steering group to put on a creative home grown community event that is completely free.”

She explains further the type of entries they are looking for:

“We are really keen to hear or see any creative response to the question How do you feel? In relation to 2020. It can be in any form; a film of home cooking, a photograph that means something or even just a voice note of how you feel. It can be emotional, funny or a beautiful story with moments of hope.”

For over 10 years, the Watford Black History Month Steering Group has planned events at the Watford Palace Theatre, placing ‘Black artists and audiences’ at the heart of ‘creative projects.’ Previous projects include: Children of Windrush – 70 years Since and A Walk Through Time in 2015, featuring Kulture Afrik.

Ask Me How I Feel takes places on Sunday 18th October at 4pm.

For more information about the event, and further submission details visit: https://www.watfordpalacetheatre.co.uk/news/ask-me-how-i-feel/

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