Adult Learning Disability Charity Continue Good Work

Electric Umbrella announced on Wednesday that their streaming service would continue into the “Easter holidays and beyond.”

Challenging the perception of people with learning disabilities, Electric Umbrella is a charity which unites professional musicians with adults who struggle when living day to day life.

Writing, experiencing and performing music at small pubs, at big festivals, live on the radio and everything in between, the Hertfordshire based charity offers countless on-stage opportunities to showcase talent.

A wonderful organisation, Electric Umbrella was forced to postpone in-person events and instead formed EU TV, a platform which has been on trial since the introduction of a UK lockdown – highlighting artistic skill remotely.

Originally meant to last until today, EU announced on Wednesday that their streaming service would continue into the “Easter holidays and beyond.”

Electric Umbrella Tweeted: “We are not sure for how long, but right now EUTV is a joy filled vital connection and company for the learning-disabled community. Together we can ride this period out and come out singing.”

Fantastic news for everyone involved, EU will continue to empower and enrich lives through music.

To read more about Electric Umbrella and the charity work they do, visit

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