A New Film Charter to keep Hollywood coming to Hertfordshire

Part of Les Miserable was filmed at Ashridge Estate

The new Charter, which was launched in partnership with Creative England, aims to build on Hertfordshire’s reputation as a first-class filming destination.

Last year, an estimated £8.6m was spent in Hertfordshire as a direct result of location filming with a single feature film bringing up to £42,000 a day into the local economy. And last year, Creative England supported 79 productions to film on location in Hertfordshire including 19 feature films.
Speaking at the launch event held at Elstree Studios on Wednesday, Chris Hayward, Cabinet Member for Enterprise, said: “The Charter is a celebration of Hertfordshire’s rich heritage and continued status as a popular destination for some of the biggest film productions. It sends a clear signal that we’ll work together to do all we can to attract even more big film and TV productions into the county.
“Last year we promoted our Filming on the Highways Act through Parliament, giving the county council new powers to close roads for filming purposes, which has added to Hertfordshire’s reputation as a convenient and appealing location to film.  I’m sure the Film Friendly Charter will further Hertfordshire’s reputation as the location filming destination of choice for producers and directors working in England.”
From left to right: Cllr Morris Bright (Hertsmere County Council), Cllr Howard Burrell (Stevenage Borough Council), Hayley Armstrong (Creative England), Cllr Mark Mills-Bishop (Broxbourne Borough Council), Cllr Chris Hayward (Hertfordshire County Council), Cllr Beric Read (St Albans City and District Council) and Cllr Lynda Needham (North Hertfordshire District Council)
Councillor Beric Read, Community Engagement and Localism Portfolio Holder at St Albans City and District Council, said: “St Albans District offers film companies stunning scenery, historic buildings and proximity to film studios, at Leavesden and Elstree. The Council is keen to encourage film and television companies to come here to film as this will bring investment in the local economy. Signing this charter represents our commitment to supporting film and television companies filming in the District and across Hertfordshire.”
The Film Friendly Charter aims to attract even more interest and investment in Hertfordshire by helping local authorities and film and TV production companies to work together, offering advice on Hertfordshire’s locations, providing links to available film crew and helping to arrange any permits required to film.  In turn, by increasing the number of producers and directors from the UK and across the world to film in Hertfordshire, it would bring further investment, income from screen tourism and additional jobs to the county.
It is easy to see why Hertfordshire is such an attractive proposition for filmmakers, from historic rural estates like Ashridge (Harry Potter, Les Miserable, Stardust) and Hatfield House (Band of Brothers, Batman Begins, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory) to Stevenage Bio Park (The Bourne Ultimatum’s CIA headquarters) and St Albans Cathedral (Johnny English, Incendiary, First Knight), the county’s locations have attracted the industry’s biggest blockbusters for decades.
(Source: St. Albans District & City Council)

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