Funds were presented to local charities at annual council last night and Councillor George Derbyshire was sworn in as the new Chairman of Watford Borough Council.
Funds were presented to local charities at annual council last night and Councillor George Derbyshire was sworn in as the new Chairman of Watford Borough Council.
Outgoing Chairman, Steve Rackett, who stood down from the Council at the end of March, presented cheques to his two charities: Watford Community Fund and Watford Women's Centre 'Behind Closed Doors' project.
He raised £2492.48, which is being shared between the charities. Watford Community Fund is run by the Watford & Three Rivers Trust (formerly Watford CVS). The fund makes grants and supports a diverse range of charities, community projects and voluntary organisations within the boundaries of Watford borough. The second beneficiary is the ‘Behind Closed Doors’ project - an educational programme aimed at preventing domestic violence and promoting healthy relationships.
Chairman Councillor George Derbyshire (Park ward) has been the Vice Chairman for 2013/14. His Consort for 2014/15 will be Mrs Elaine Derbyshire.
He will be supporting two different local charities: Herts Inclusive Theatre (an award winning charity working with disabled and non-disabled children, young people and adults) and Arthritis Research UK (Watford branch). Representatives from both charities attended the ceremony.
Chairman Councillor Derbyshire said: “I am delighted to have been chosen to be Chairman of Watford Borough Council for the coming year. I look forward to undertaking the civic representation of the Borough during the next twelve months and visiting as many local community organisations as I can.”
George Derbyshire has lived in the Cassiobury area of Watford for 33 years.
After graduating from the LSE in law, George joined the BBC in 1965 and spent 14 years there in a variety of management roles, including four years in television news.
In 1978 George was appointed Director of Administration at The Guildhall School of Music and Drama in the Barbican, a position he held for 11 years. In 1989 George was invited to go to Hong Kong to work alongside a former Guildhall colleague as Deputy Director for finance and resources of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. This conservatoire-type institution trained local Hong Kong students who were aiming for professional careers as performers or support professionals in music, dance, drama and film/television.
On returning to the UK in 1997, George retired from full-time employment. He undertook consultancy assignments from time to time in the fields of management and the performing arts. He also become a voluntary certificated Generalist Adviser with Citizens Advice and advised two half-days a week at the Watford Citizens Advice Bureau in St Mary’s Churchyard for 8 years from 2002 to 2010.
Councillor Derbyshire is an elected member of Watford Borough Council. He was elected in 2004 and is a member of the majority Liberal Democrat Group. He was re-elected for a third four year term in 2012. He is chair of the Chief Officers Pay Panel, vice-chair of the Development Control Committee and a member of the Licensing Committee and the Budget Panel.
Councillor Derbyshire joined the Watford Palace Board of Directors in June 2010 and is also a member of the Watford Palace Bar Company Board.
Date: 12th June 2014
Source: Watford Borough Council